While 2014 was a pretty good, I'm really looking forward to this year. I have a couple of big things coming up that will hopefully lead to even bigger opportunities for The Pudgy Rabbit!
First up is my crochet book, Happy-Gurumi! I can't believe that it's coming out in just a couple of months, on March 10th. It seems nuts that just a year ago, I was crocheting like crazy, turning my sketches into working patterns and somehow a book came out of the mess of yarn that covered my desk. Big thank you to my editors at Martingale for all their hard work and pulling everything together. You can pre-order the book right now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
And if you don't know how to crochet, not to worry, there are detailed instructions with plenty of pictures that will teach you the all basics. A new year, a new craft, that's what I always say! ;)

Then in May, I'm going to be exhibiting at the National Stationery Show! This is my first trade show and I'm really excited to be doing such a big fair. There's going to be thousands of attendees along with some really major retailers and lots of press. I'm actually a bit nervous because I've only exhibited at much smaller craft fairs so far and I haven't even done that many fairs in general. It's kind of a big leap to do such a major show and I have so many things that I need to prepare that it makes me panic a little. But I figure it's good to take some risks and this would be great exposure for the shop, so out of my comfort zone I go!
On the plus side, my crochet kits have already been highlighted by the NSS and they're currently a part of their favorite things for the 2015 show! Whoo hoo!

In other news, I'm also working on some new things for the shop, developing patterns, and planning out some new products. The next few months are going to be really busy, but I'm coming out of my cookie and fatty food induced holiday haze and super excited to get started!
So I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year and hope that the next twelve months are great! Cheers to 2015!
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