So it's been a while. Almost six months actually, but there's been a lot going on! Now that things have settled a bit, I'm going to get back into the blog and keeping up the site. Here's a quick update on everything that's been happening.
First, I did my first trade show, the National Stationery Show down in NYC at the Javits Center. It was a ton of work and while I didn't place as many orders as expected, I met some really great people, made a bunch of contacts, and received really helpful feedback about the kits. I hope to do more trade shows in the near future and I'll be going into more detail about NSS in another post.
Second, in April, my first crochet book, Happy-Gurumi, came out! I can't believe it's been over two years since I first sent out my book proposal, but it's really exciting to finally see everything come together. You can now purchase Happy-Gurumi on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
Third, I started a new job, and while I would love for The Pudgy Rabbit to be my full time gig, I'm not quite at that point yet. However, work has been really great, and even though it's been an adjustment to fit everything in, I'm happy to say that I have five new designs available!
All the new designs are based around food, including this little hamburger and hot dog. They'll be up in the shop soon and I'm continuing to work on new products for the shop and recipes for the blog, so stay tuned!